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Earn R$2.584,16 per month to work from Monday to Friday! IEL is hiring a School Secretary

Written by Sara Aquino
Published 14/01/2025 às 10:08
IEL offers job vacancy: Opportunity for school secretary in Cuiabá (MT), check the necessary requirements

IEL offers job vacancy: Opportunity for school secretary in Cuiabá (MT), check the necessary requirements

If you are looking for a job opportunity and have experience in customer service, this is an excellent opportunity to join the team of an educational institution in Cuiabá, MT. The available vacancy is for the position of school secretary, with a working day from Monday to Friday, from 09 am to 19 pm, under the CLT regime, with a salary of R$ 2.584,16.

What is expected of the school secretary?

The role of school secretary requires commitment and skills in various administrative tasks. The professional will be responsible for welcoming the school community and providing various services, such as by telephone, email and WhatsApp.

In addition, it will be necessary to edit and print activities requested by coordinators for teachers, in addition to monitoring information posted on the school's digital agendas, such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

Another important point of this vacancy It is the distribution of stationery materials to teachers, the control of orders from parents and the management of scheduling extra classes and birthdays.

The secretary will also be responsible for issuing contracts, sending spreadsheets to the financial department and registering complementary activities. In other words, it is a position that requires organization and ease with multifunctional tasks.

What are the requirements for the school secretary position?

A job opportunity requires the following:

Complete high school;

Previous experience in customer service;

Basic computer knowledge.

Additionally, the company offers benefits such as medical assistance, meal vouchers and transport vouchers, making the position even more attractive for those seeking stability and good working conditions.

How can the school secretary position be an excellent opportunity?

This vacancy represents an excellent opportunity for those seeking a stable position that allows for good professional development.

The school secretary is a fundamental part of the institution's smooth running, as he or she deals directly with internal and external communication, in addition to organizing the school's daily activities.

For those who dedicate themselves and excel in this role, there are great opportunities for growth within the educational environment.

IEL and the partnership with the job market

the wave of school secretary It is offered by the Euvaldo Lodi Institute (IEL), a prominent organization in Brazil that works in professional training and promoting internships.

With units in every state in the country, IEL's mission is to increase the competitiveness of Brazilian industry through the development of skills in management and innovation.

It offers solutions that connect companies and educational institutions, contributing to the sustainable growth of various sectors.

IEL has played a crucial role in preparing professionals for the job market, as is the case with this job vacancy in Cuiabá.

For those looking for growth and a solid career, this is an excellent option. opportunity to join an organization that invests in the continuous improvement and training of its employees.

How to apply for the school secretary position?

If you meet the requirements and are interested in working as a school secretary, simply access the link: https://www.empregare.com/pt-br/vaga-secretaria-escolar_99602.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of an educational institution that values ​​excellence and the professional development of its employees.

This is your chance to take an important step in your career and work in a dynamic and challenging environment. Don't miss out on this job opportunity!

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Tamara Trinity of the Saints
Tamara Trinity of the Saints
14/01/2025 13:24

Good afternoon, I can't access the ad. Is there another way to apply? I would love to meet new people and have new experiences. My only general services assistant.
.thank you in advance for your attention

Sara Aquino

General Pharmacist and Writer. I write about Jobs, Courses, Science, Technology and Energy. Passionate about reading, writing and music.

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