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Ministry of Communications authorizes BRL 1,4 billion in debentures to expand and modernize internet access in 14 states and the DF

Published 28/04/2021 às 12:01
internet - Ministry of Communications - debentures
Photo: Image bank

Ministry of Communications authorizes issuance of debentures to modernize and expand the telecommunications sector in several states of the Federation

Yesterday (27), the Ministry of Communications (MCom) approved a project that releases R$1,4 billion in incentivized debentures that will benefit the telecommunications sector in 16 states and the DF. This measure aims to modernize and expand the sector in the country, providing cheaper and faster internet access. The resources made available will enable a major modernization of services related to the internet and mobile networks in these States.

Action by the Ministry of Communications should enable better internet access for Brazilians

The amount approved by the Ministry of Communications will be used to expand and modernize mobile networks across the states. It will also be used to deploy mobile and fixed networks with the technologies 3G, 4G and 5G, improving internet access. With this, the sector will provide more quality services in the country.

"The objective of the project is the expansion and modernization of the data communication network to provide internet access and voice services for the retail market segments, companies and operators through the implementation of mobile and fixed networks with 3G, 4G, 5G, GPON and MetroEthernet and Backbone IP/DWDM, in addition to the deployment of transport networks, access networks and network infrastructure.” describes Mcom.

internet - ministry of communications - debentures

Ministry of Communications, intending to improve the telecommunications sector, approved a project that releases R$1,4 billion. Unfortunately, not all Brazilian states benefited. Below is a list in alphabetical order of the directly benefited states: Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Federal District, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Sergipe and São Paulo.  

Debentures, what are they?  

Debentures work as follows: it is a way of “lending” money to a company. However, these debentures were encouraged, that is, there is a reduction or even exemption from income tax. In addition to being a way to invest in public interest infrastructure, by raising funds Private.  

Incentivized debentures are a great alternative for investors, as it enables tax savings. For the government, it is of great importance as it encourages private investment in infrastructure. 

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Fabio Lucas Carvalho

Journalist specializing in a wide range of topics, such as cars, technology, politics, shipbuilding, geopolitics, renewable energy and economics. I have been working since 2015 with prominent publications in major news portals. My degree in Information Technology Management from Faculdade de Petrolina (Facape) adds a unique technical perspective to my analyses and reports. With over 10 thousand articles published in renowned media outlets, I always seek to bring detailed information and relevant insights to the reader. For story suggestions or any questions, please contact me by email at flclucas@hotmail.com.

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