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Morro do Cruzeiro: Advances in the Construction of the New Statkraft Wind Farm

Written by Corporate
Published 12/05/2023 às 13:19
Cruzeiro Hill and Wind Farm
Source: https://g1.globo.com/ba/bahia/especial-publicitario/enel-ba/noticia/2022/01/21/novo-parque-eolico-entra-em-operacao-na-bahia-e-reforca-oportunidades-trazidas-pela-geracao-de-energia-limpa-no-estado.ghtml

Statkraft's new renewable energy venture, the Morro do Cruzeiro wind farm, located in Bahia, is reaching significant milestones in its construction phase. So far, the company has completed 50% of the concreting of the foundations for the wind turbines, a crucial step in the structuring of this new wind farm.

Robust Foundations for the Morro do Cruzeiro Wind Farm

Each foundation of the Morro do Cruzeiro wind farm is built with 47 tons of steel and 380m³ of concrete, proving the robustness and soundness of the project. Guilherme Melo, Director of Construction Projects at Statkraft, stresses the importance of this milestone in the project schedule. According to Melo, this phase was only reached after intense efforts in the previous stages, including detonations, earthworks, large cuts and landfills, excavations, analysis and approval of executive projects, in addition to important relationships with the community.

Advances Beyond Concreting

In addition to completing half of the concreting, Statkraft is also focused on finalizing the accesses and platforms for receiving the large components of the wind turbines. These advances confirm the company's commitment to meeting established deadlines and delivering a state-of-the-art wind farm.

Statkraft and Its Wind Ventures

Statkraft, known for being the largest generator of renewable energy in Europe and a leader in hydropower internationally, has another major project underway in Bahia – the Ventos de Santa Eugênia Wind Complex. This complex, the company's largest undertaking outside Europe, should produce 2.300 Giga Watt-hours (GWh) per year, enough energy to supply 1,17 million Brazilian homes.

Details of the Morro do Cruzeiro Wind Farm

Morro do Cruzeiro is a greenfield wind project that represents an expansion of the Brotas de Macaúbas Wind Complex, also a Statkraft asset in operation in Bahia. The new wind farm will have 14 turbines and will have an installed capacity of 79,8 MW. Thanks to the excellent wind conditions in the region, the project is expected to generate 386 GWh of renewable energy per year, enough to power over 190 homes.

The construction of the Morro do Cruzeiro wind farm is an integral part of Statkraft's growth strategy in Brazil, reaffirming its commitment to the production of clean and sustainable energy.


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