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  3. / R$13.389,95 is the salary that SENAI is offering to those interested in working from Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 12:00 pm and 13:00 pm to 17:00 pm; In addition to benefits such as a food voucher of R$880,00 and daycare assistance of R$350,00, DON'T WASTE TIME, send your resume now!
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R$13.389,95 is the salary that SENAI is offering to those interested in working from Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 12:00 pm and 13:00 pm to 17:00 pm; In addition to benefits such as a food voucher of R$880,00 and daycare assistance of R$350,00, DON'T WASTE TIME, send your resume now!

Written by Rafaela Fabris
Published 06/01/2025 às 21:40
R$13.389,95 is the salary that SENAI is offering to those interested in working from Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 12:00 pm and 13:00 pm to 17:00 pm; In addition to benefits such as a food voucher of R$880,00 and daycare assistance of R$350,00, DON'T WASTE TIME, send your resume now!
R$13.389,95 is the salary that SENAI is offering to those interested in working from Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 12:00 pm and 13:00 pm to 17:00 pm; In addition to benefits such as a food voucher of R$880,00 and a daycare allowance of R$350,00, DON'T WASTE TIME, send your resume now! (Image: Representation)

Salary of R$13.389,95 and Attractive Benefits: SENAI Opens Specialist I Vacancy in São Leopoldo to Work in the Paint Sector; Applications until January 12th

Interested in working on research and development projects in one of the most innovative areas of the industry? SENAI has a vacancy for a Specialist I (Paints) in São Leopoldo, offering a salary of R$13.389,95, in addition to benefits such as medical assistance, food vouchers worth R$880,00 and childcare assistance worth R$350,00. This is an opportunity for professionals highly qualified people who want to be part of an excellent team.

This position requires a degree in the exact sciences and a postgraduate degree at the master's level, with experience in research and development projects. The selected professional will work from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 12 pm and from 13 pm to 17 pm, for a 40-hour workweek. Don't miss this opportunity to boost your career!

Senai Selection Process

The selection process for the position of Specialist I (Paints) follows an organized and careful structure to ensure that the best professionals are selected. The first stage consists of curriculum analysis, where academic backgrounds, professional experience and specific skills required for the position will be assessed. Only candidates who meet the minimum requirements will move on to the next stages.

Afterwards, those approved will participate in a objective proof with questions covering the areas of Portuguese Language, Mathematics and Logical Reasoning. After this phase, an interview will be held with HR, followed by a technical evaluation with the area manager. Finally, it will be necessary to present supporting documentation, undergo a medical examination and conclude the process by submitting admission documents.

Vacancy and City

The open position is for Specialist I (Paints) and is located in the city of Sao Leopoldo, in Rio Grande do Sul. The professional will be allocated to the SENAI Institute of Innovation in Polymer Engineering, a national reference in research and development of polymeric materials and their applications in industry.


SENAI is an institution widely recognized for its contribution to the development of Brazilian industry. Founded decades ago, SENAI offers innovative solutions to meet the demands of the production sector, promoting technological advances and contributing to the training of highly qualified professionals.

The SENAI Institute of Innovation in Polymer Engineering, located in São Leopoldo, is one of the main centers of applied research in Brazil. unit is dedicated to the creation and development of technological solutions in areas such as paints, polymers and advanced materials, collaborating with national and international companies to drive innovation and sustainability.

Job Requirements

To apply for the position of Specialist I (Paints), the candidate must meet the following requirements:

  • Academic education: Completed higher education in the Exact Sciences area, with postgraduate studies (master's degree) in the area of ​​activity.
  • Professional Experience: Work on research and development projects in the polymer industry, focusing on materials and processes.
  • Specific Skills: Advanced knowledge of material properties, characterization techniques and proficiency in the English language.
  • Differentials: Experience in formulation and application of paints and UV and EB radiation curing systems.

Job Benefits

In addition to the salary of R$13.389,95, the hired professional will have access to a comprehensive benefits package, which includes:

  • Medical and odontologic assistence: Service through agreements with UNIMED and SESI.
  • Food/Meal Voucher: With a monthly value of R$880,00.
  • Childcare assistance: R$350,00 for children up to 60 months old.
  • private pension: Exclusive plan for employees, aiming at financial health in the future.
  • Other benefits: Group life insurance, 24-hour telemedicine, emotional support programs and incentives for training and professional development.

How to apply

Interested parties must register for the selection process through SENAI candidate portal, available until the day 12 January 2025. For your application to be valid, you must fill out all fields correctly and completely. Resumes sent by email will not be considered.

On the day of the technical test, candidates must appear at the location with your resume printed material and personal documents. It is essential to check the details and timelines on the application portal to ensure that all steps are followed.


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Rafaela Fabris

He talks about innovation, renewable energy, oil and gas. With over 1.200 articles published in the CPG, he updates daily on opportunities in the Brazilian job market. Suggestions for topics: rafafabris11@gmail.com

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