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Svitzer, a company of the Maersk group, announces a sustainability plan to neutralize carbon emissions in its tug fleet by 2040

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 02/06/2022 às 17:13
Following the environmental agenda and the need for more investment in sustainable practices, Svitzer intends to neutralize the carbon footprint of its entire fleet of tugboats by the year 2040 in its new sustainability plan
Source: Svitzer

Following the environmental agenda and the need for more investment in sustainable practices, Svitzer intends to neutralize the carbon footprint of its entire fleet of tugboats by the year 2040 in its new sustainability plan

The water transport logistics company Svitzer, which is part of Maersk, announced this past Tuesday, (31/05), its newest sustainability plan for next years. And, as part of the project, the company intends to neutralize carbon emissions in its tugboat fleet by the year 2040, following a gradual list of emission reductions in all areas of the port transport chain.

Svitzer's new sustainability plan for the year 2040 has a carbon emission reduction initiative and sustainable solutions for its tug fleet

Svitzer, a tugboat company that is part of the Maersk group, announced its new sustainability strategy for the next 18 years, which includes actions aimed primarily at reducing carbon emissions across its entire fleet until neutrality in the year 2040. Thus, the company intends to adapt to the global environmental agenda in relation to the energy transition process and adoption of ESG practices in cargo transportation operations.

In addition, Svitzer revealed that its sustainability plan will have two main stages until its completion during the end of the year 2040. And, during the first phase of the project, the company intends to reduce carbon emissions by up to 50% in its tugboat fleet by the end of 2030, as a way of accelerating the neutralization process.

Thus, the company will be able to make room for more investments in the plan and, finally, reach the year 2040 without any gas emissions in its fleet of tugboats. Finally, Svitzer's sustainability plan will not only be limited to tugboats with the reduction of carbon emissions, but will also be implemented in all stages of the company's services.

In this way, the tugboat company intends to carry out a series of actions to implement sustainability in day-to-day operations, in its fleet, in people and their jobs and, finally, in all types of fuel used by the operator's vessels , thus ensuring much more commitment to the environment over the coming years. 

The Company will adopt measures to replace fuels and periodically analyze its plan to neutralize carbon emissions in the tugboat fleet

Following its sustainability plan, the Svitzer company is already adopting some initiatives to guarantee an acceleration of the project. Among them is the company's 'Aim for 8', which requires the crew to optimize speed during the mobilization and demobilization of the tug.

In addition, there will also be a replacement of fuels with a mix of sustainable products so that, little by little, the company will be able to extinguish the use of fuels that cause carbon emissions. 

Thus, Executive Kasper Nilaus, CEO of Svitzer, commented on the plan and said: “We are proud to reveal our strategy to become fully carbon neutral by 2040. We are not committing to these ambitions lightly and understand that this will require leadership and collaboration with our customers, suppliers, industry peers, and ports around the world to ensure success. Widespread changes and investments in the way we work will be needed.” 

Finally, the company highlighted that progress will be measured against a 2020 baseline, when the company's fleet of approximately 400 vessels emitted 280 tonnes of CO2. In this way, they intend to use this amount as a basis for completing the initiative in 2040.

Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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