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TechnipFMC in Porto do Açú: Merger that promises to open many offshore jobs

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 03/05/2017 às 10:13
Updated 05/05/2017 às 17:57


TechnipFMC at Porto do Açú Merger that promises to open many offshore jobs

now called TechnipFMC, Porto do Açú in São João da Barra welcomes this merger and prepares for a new era in the oil and gas sector.

TechnipFMC, welcomed by the municipality of São João da Barra, which, unlike other cities, realized the revolutionary economic potential that the oil and gas industry could provide the city, tried to take the necessary measures in the long term and immediately tried to welcome facilitated this great company.

In the search for this large slice of the market, the Port of Açú was planned and built with a very simple objective: Destroy the competition and consolidate itself as one of the largest ports in logistics and offshore activities in Brazil and be among the 5 largest in the world, leaving your neighbor Macaé backwards.

Naturally, this attracted the attention of many companies, such as FMC and Technip. These two have now become one company called TechnipFMC, with the aim of expanding its portfolio of operations and making the costs of activities in the oil and gas sector more competitive.

Unfortunately, Macaé is being stripped of its status as an offshore power because the operating costs of a port that only accommodates 6 vessels at a time are much higher than the Port of Açú, which reaches the incredible mark of 47.

TechnipFMC realized this and came to the conclusion that the time to invest and create jobs is now, just waiting for a political and economic signal to invest and start hiring.

As this company operates in all segments of the oil and gas sector, it has prepared an official database so that Brazilian professionals, whether they have professional training, technicians, engineers, administrators, etc., can apply for the opportunities that are to come in shortly.

To apply for future hires to come at TechnipFMC in various bases in Brazil, especially in Porto do Açú in São João da Barra,  click here to apply 

Another interesting article is about the command of the English language that these companies require. You can read about it by accessing the article English is no more a difference: It is now a must in the oil sector.

Also join the group São João da Barra, Porto do Açú, economy and jobs.

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Paulo Nogueira

An electrical engineer graduated from one of the country's technical education institutions, the Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF (formerly CEFET), I worked for several years in the areas of offshore oil and gas, energy and construction. Today, with over 8 publications in magazines and online blogs about the energy sector, my focus is to provide real-time information on the Brazilian employment market, macro and micro economics and entrepreneurship. For questions, suggestions and corrections, please contact us at informe@clickpetroleoegas.com.br. Please note that we do not accept resumes for this purpose.

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