Last year, long holidays resulted in 13,9 million trips, which injected BRL 28,84 billion into the Brazilian economy
In 2020, it has 12 national holidays, ten of which can be amended with the weekend and extend the rest days of Brazilians. This year promises! Many civil construction projects approved in 2020 will result in an alarming growth in job vacancies in the sector.
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The long holidays are excellent news for the Tourism sector, which last year resulted in 13,9 million trips, injecting R$ 28,84 billion into the Brazilian economy, according to the Ministry of Tourism (MTur).
But not everything is rosy, while sectors of economic activity such as Tourism celebrate, there are also those who estimate big losses, as is the case of the retail sector.
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The Federation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism of the State of São Paulo (Fecomércio-SP) estimates that with so many holidays this year, national retailers will suffer a reduction in sales of around 11 million reais.
However, Fecomércio economist Guilherme Dietzer explains that despite the drop in sales, there are no economic losses, as the money spent on purchases is reallocated to other areas of the economy. Tiradentes, on Tuesday, April 21st, and Corpus Christi, on June 11th, a Thursday, are the only holidays that are not linked to Saturday and Sunday.
The Carnival and Easter holidays will fall on the 24th and 25th of February and the 10th of April, respectively. Labor Day and Christmas fall on a Friday. The holidays of Independence of Brazil, Nossa Senhora Aparecida and Finados will fall on Monday.
Check the list of holidays below.
2020 Calendar