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From the soap opera Pantanal to agribusiness! Embrapa develops a new sustainable Productive System that is being implemented in Mato Grosso and in some regions of Brazil. It was featured on Rede Globo's Novela.

Published 05/09/2022 às 23:26
agroforestry system agribusiness embrapa telenovela pantanal rede globo
Agroforestry System restores soil health in agribusiness | Photo: Embrapa

Sustainable production agroforestry systems will increase the potential of plantations in Brazil

In recent weeks, Rede Globo's soap opera, Pantanal, showed the protagonist Jove (Jesuíta Barbosa) visiting a new sustainable production system. In the following episodes, he began to study more about the Agroforestry system for his father's agribusiness, José Leôncio (Marcos Palmeira). Embrapa developed this system in real life and is implementing it in some regions of Brazil, including the north of Mato Grosso, where the telenovela takes place.

Embrapa encourages the application of this method to increase the productivity of corn, soy and various products in an organic way, especially in family farming. Partnerships with major institutions such as Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV), Instituto Ouro Verde (IOV), ONF Brasil, Unemat, UFMT, Sema-MT, Seaf-MT, Ibama, Ceplac made the project work. Learn more about how the application works.

Learn all about the sustainable production system for agribusiness with the video below

New Sustainable Productive System shown in Novela Pantanal is coming to agribusiness | Playback – Youtube: Embrapa

More than 1.000 hectares have already adopted Embrapa's Sustainable Production System for agribusiness

The partnership between Embrapa and large companies is called Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril and has existed since 2011. This partnership encourages innovations in agribusiness and carries out a continuous training process for technicians and rural extension workers to encourage new practices. The project already had 10 modules carried out and more than 100 students participated.

This cultivation system, demonstrated in Novela Pantanal, has already covered around 1.700 hectares of land in Mato Grosso. A large part of these lands with a Sustainable Agroforestry System brought biodiversity from plantations to regional agribusiness. Many plant species in the region were cultivated in ecological transition sites, which were previously degraded.

In addition to the benefits for the ecosystem, this Production System allows for a lot of knowledge exchange between producers, indigenous peoples and traditional communities. Furthermore, public managers and technicians are involved with this new method developed by Embrapa.

How does the Sustainable Agroforestry System developed by Embrapa work?

Agribusiness has a lot to benefit from Sustainable Agroforestry System developed by Embrapa. After all, many companies have sought to do business with farmers to value environmental responsibility. With the Agroforestry System, it is no longer necessary to opt for a monoculture in plantations and to deplete the soil's nutrients.

This system created by Embrapa aims to create a plantation of different species with trees. The mixture promoted by the cultivation of these plants in a nearby location forms a “mini ecosystem” that reuses nutrients. Thus, the owner of agribusiness can have a greater diversity of plants and keeps the soil always nourished, bringing good harvests.

The agricultural productions that follow this path will have many years of fertile soil using nature's own resources to maintain the soil. In this way, you optimize resources and reduce waste, increasing productivity.

Main benefits of the Sustainable Production System for agribusiness

Degraded soils and pastures, trampled by cattle, can take many years to recover or to ecologically restructure. However, the Sustainable Productive System, or agroforestry, can reduce this time and increase production capacity per hectare.

In addition, costs are reduced because maintenance is performed less frequently. This happens because a mini ecosystem is created that keeps the nutrients in the plants of interest.

The production of different plant species is another advantage that counts in favor of the Sustainable Agroforestry System. Agribusiness can experiment with growing a larger number of plants in the same space, expanding export possibilities.

As we know that nature's resources are finite, thinking about regenerative production is the way of the future. With agroforestry we will always be able to recover soil fertility with nature's own resources and guarantee the sustenance of future generations.

Sabrina Moreira Paes

Inhabitant of Greater São Paulo, 25 years old, graduated from UFPR with an MBA in marketing from USP. She has a master's degree from Unicamp and a doctorate in progress at USP. Marketing, Copy, SEO and Ghost Writer professional certified by the Universities of Stanford, California, Northwestern and Toronto. Get in touch with us to suggest an agenda, publicize job openings or propose advertising on our portal. We do not receive resumes.

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