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Chinese drones named 'Bolsonaro' take agriculture at agrishow to another level, covering up to 21 hectares per hour!

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 30/04/2024 às 11:47
Chinese drones - agrishow - drone agrishow - Bolsonaro
photo/reproduction: riosdenotícias

The agricultural revolution gains wings with cutting-edge technology and shows why agriculture doesn’t stop

Agrishow, the main showcase of agriculture in Brazil, was the stage for the launch of an innovative line of Chinese drones named after Bolsonaro. These drones promise to revolutionize the way pesticides They are applied to crops, bringing more efficiency and coverage in the treatment of large areas, according to canalrural.

Entering the event, visitors came across “Bolsonaro drones”, which stand out not only for their controversial name, but also for their promise to optimize time and resources in the field. With prices ranging from R $ 96 thousand a R $ 197 thousand, these drones are capable of covering from 12 to 21 hectares per hour, respectively, demonstrating that, in fact, “agro doesn’t stop, it flies!”

Drones that live up to their name

The four models in the “Bolsonaro Drones” line carry more than just defenses, they carry a name that has been synonymous with heated debates in the country. The entry model, with the capacity to cover 12 hectares per hour, offers an affordable solution for small and medium-sized producers. The top-of-the-line model, in addition to advanced features, expands the spraying capacity to up to 21 hectares per hour, setting a new standard.

Chinese drones - agrishow - drone agrishow - Bolsonaro
photo/reproduction: portalagrigent

A brand that transcends the heavens

In addition to Chinese drones, the “Bolsonaro” brand has expanded to other products, such as shoes and even perfumes, showing that the former president’s influence goes beyond political limits. Uugton Batista, partner at BR Dron and involved in the launch of the themed shoes, highlights that Bolsonaro's image “makes more of a difference than many artists”.

Between heaven and earth: Agriculture is modernizing with Chinese drones

Precision agriculture: The “Bolsonaro Drones” represent a qualitative leap in precision agriculture. With the ability to spray large areas in record time, these drones are living proof that technology can be a valuable ally in increasing productivity and reducing operational costs.

Product Diversification: The diversification strategy of the “Bolsonaro” brand is not limited to heavens. On the ground, products such as the “Crocs Bolsonaro Puro Mito Slipper” and the “Patriot Style Sneakers” seek to win the hearts and feet of Brazilians, while the “Bolsonaro Boots” aim directly at the agribusiness public, reinforcing the brand's connection with the sector.

Transparency and Ethics: However, amid this wave of themed products, the question of ethics and transparency arises. But Batista assures that Bolsonaro denies that there is any financial compensation involved. A statement that reinforces the importance of clarity in commercial partnerships, especially when they involve public figures, nothing fairer, right?

Therefore, with the introduction of these Chinese drones into agrishow, the “Bolsonaro” brand takes flight in the agricultural sector. Thus promising not only innovation, but also a discussion about the intersection between technology, politics and brand identity. After all, in a field as vast and diverse as Brazil's, each innovation sows debates and gathers opinions.

Leave here in the comments what you think of the Chinese drones with the name 'Bolsonaro' and if you are following Agrishow!

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Maria Salete Barroso
Maria Salete Barroso
30/04/2024 12:18

Meanwhile, the President is investing in these Agro trash, just ****, Bolsonaro's allies, what can you expect!

Elisha Antonio
Elisha Antonio
30/04/2024 12:33

If drones are as competent as President Bolsonaro, it will be a partnership worth millions.

Daniel Santos
Daniel Santos
In reply to  Maria Salete Barroso
30/04/2024 23:04

Where do you think everything you eat comes from, the market stock?

Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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