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Nestlé is recruiting 600 new candidates to fill temporary job vacancies across Brazil

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 22/07/2022 às 12:43
temporary vacancies - vacancies - job vacancies - Nestle - job opportunity
The candidate must have knowledge of handling a tablet, cell phone and internet browsing – image: Disclosure/Nestle
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Nestlé has hundreds of new temporary job vacancies for candidates 60+.

Nestlé, a company in the food sector, has new temporary job openings for professionals residing in the Paraíba Valley. Opportunities are for a specific group for the sales promoter position. Temporary vacancies made available by Nestlé are exclusively for candidates aged 60 or over. There are chances for all states in the country and around 800 stores will participate in the action.

Professionals will receive salaries of R$ 1.343

The aim is for contracted professionals to leverage the products participating in the promotion I won a year of Nestlé. In addition, professionals will be responsible for registering the invoice and exchanging it for the Compre e Earn bonus product. Candidates selected for temporary positions will begin their activities on August 1st.

The only exception is in the city of Recife, where activities at Nestlé will begin on July 25th. The job openings program will last for 30 days, so it will end on August 31 of this year.



Cost allowance and requirements for working at Nestlé

Employees' remuneration will be R$ 1.343,33, in addition to a daily allowance of R$ 30. People from all over the country can enroll and those who are approved by the Nestlé in Sao Paulo towill still undergo face-to-face training. Those who are selected in other regions of the country will have a training in the EAD modality.

In addition to being aged 60 or over, those interested in temporary vacancies they must also have knowledge of using a tablet, surfing the internet and using cell phones. You will also need to have flexible hours and experience with customer service or sales.

Applying for job vacancies

Those interested in temporary vacancies at Nestlé will have until July 25th to register.

The application must be made online, through the filling out a form on the company's website. In it, data such as email, date of birth, full name, telephone number, among other information will be required.

List of cities with open jobs

  • AM – Manaus;
  • AC – Rio Branco;
  • AL – Maceió;
  • DF – Brasilia;
  • GO – Goiania;
  • PI – Teresina;
  • RO – Porto Velho;
  • RR – Boa Vista;
  • SE – Aracaju;
  • Pernambuco;
  • Ceara;
  • Pernambuco
  • Maranhao;
  • Rio de Janeiro.

Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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