The Mining and Development Program launched by the Government has more than 100 goals, with the objective of defining the guidelines for the mineral sector in Brazil
The Mining and Development program was launched yesterday (28/09), by the federal government, which will deal with the sector in new areas, including indigenous ones. The document brings together the plan of goals and actions for the period from 2020 to 2023.Vale starts testing the first 100% electric locomotive in Brazilian mining
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The initiative, which has been built since last year with industry representatives, includes more than 2020 goals in 2023 mining concentration areas for the period XNUMX to XNUMX.
The Minister of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque, who was also present at the launch ceremony of the program, accompanied by President Jair Bolsonaro, said that Brazil is a mineral powerhouse, and that mining can be the great vector for the recovery of the country's economy. “Mining is one of the great strengths of the Brazilian economy, an important vector of progress and synonymous with its development to promote the well-being of all,” he said.
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He claims that the Program, in addition to reflecting better results for the country's economy, with more wealth and jobs, will place Brazil in a vanguard position. “Some issues dealt with in the program reflect the necessary progress to have a new scenario for mining activity and place ourselves in a vanguard position, not only as producers of mineral inputs, but also as holders of an innovative culture for the sector”, he concluded.
Mining sector in Brazil
Only in July of this year, Brazil extracted 88 types of ores from the Brazilian subsoil, reflecting the broad and diversified mineral wealth that the country has.
Iron ore, in the last eight months, occupied second place in the ranking of total exports from Brazil, with US$ 14,2 billion. The Brazilian Institute of Mining estimates that investments in new projects in the sector will reach US$ 37 billion by 2024.
About the Program
The Mining and Development Program has more than 100 goals, divided into ten thematic concentration areas, and aims to define the guidelines for the mineral sector in Brazil. The areas of concentration that make up the program are:
- Qualify economic knowledge about the mineral sector;
- Socio-economic-environmental commitment in mining;
- Expand geological knowledge;
- Advancement of mining in new areas;
- Investment in the mineral sector;
- Selectivity of actions for the sector;
- Governance in mining;
- Management and efficiency;
To access the document with the main information about the Program, just click here.