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Debt renegotiation: Fies debt discount can reach 92%, and can be done online or in person 

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 06/09/2022 às 16:06
Fies, debt, online
Photo: reproduction agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br

The debt renegotiation of students who contracted Fies has been available since Thursday, 01st, and can be done online directly with a Caixa or Banco do Brasil attendant

The new deadline for university students who acquired loans through Fies (Education Financing Fund) to request the renegotiation of their debts started last Thursday, September 01st. Students who wish to renegotiate their debts must pay the agreed amount in full for the discount to be applied.

Fies can grant discounts of up to 92% in debt renegotiation

The renegotiation can be contracted until December 31, 2022, online or directly with the financial agents of Caixa and Banco do Brasil. Students who are still paying their tuition in daily installments are entitled to a 12% discount on their debt.

However, students who were in the process of dropping out of school on December 30, 2021, but who are more than 90 days late in paying their tuition, may be entitled to a discount of up to 99% of the total amount, depending on each case. The discount obtained varies according to each student.

Also, the students who had delays of more than one year who have benefited from Emergency Aid or who are enrolled in Cadúnico can apply for the discount given, online or in person. Students who are in debt can simulate renegotiations with the bank with which they have the Fies contract to find out if they are entitled to the benefit granted, online or in person.

Students in debt who are enrolled in CadÚnico

Students who have a debt with Fies and who are enrolled in the CadÚnico (Single Registry for Social Programs) or who are approved for emergency aid will have a 92% discount on the total amount of the debt, which in this case can be paid in 10 installments. equal installments.

It is expected that 548 million students with FIES debts of more than 360 days fall into this category, as in the case of the student who received almost R$32 off her debt.

Fies Caixa application for online renegotiation

Caixa, in order to facilitate this online renegotiation process, launched the Fies Caixa application at an event in Campinas (SP), which, in addition to allowing users to analyze contract data and generate slips, will also allow renegotiating late payments with discounts , completely in shape online.

Thus, almost 2 million customers will be able to benefit from the online service channel that is already available for download.

In addition to Fies, Sisu and other forms of national admission, ENEM is now accepted at universities in Portugal

If you plan to study abroad, specifically in Portugal and want to use the ENEM score, check out in this text which higher education institutions have an agreement, which courses are not accepted and when the academic year begins in Portugal.

Since 2014, students from Brazil can study in Portugal and enter a Portuguese university through their ENEM score. The first university in Portugal to sign the agreement was the University of Coimbra (UC), one of the oldest universities in the world still in operation.

The ENEM score can be used for graduation applications, Degree in Portugal, in the universities participating in the program.

ENEM results can be used to study abroad in the selection processes of educational institutions in Portugal for entry, but you must have good grades, as universities in Portugal are very competitive. The minimum grade is usually 600, with some courses being more competitive.

Today, 51 universities, polytechnics and higher schools have an inter-institutional agreement with the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP). The agreement between the countries guarantees simplified access to the grades of Brazilian students who wish to study abroad and enter undergraduate courses in Portugal. However, it is important to point out that each institution defines the rules and weights for using grades.

Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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