Sign up and take advantage of the free online courses (EAD) offered by Senai. There are 10.324 vacancies in professional training!
Senai RJ is with iRegistration open for 10.324 vacancies in free professional qualification courses throughout the state of Rio de Janeiro. Aimed at young people and adults, these opportunities aim to strengthen their insertion in the job market. In the Metropolitan Region alone, there are 5.870 vacancies distributed across units located in neighborhoods such as Benfica, Maracanã, Laranjeiras, Tijuca, Vicente de Carvalho, among others.
With classes starting between January 6 and April 30, 2025, Senai's free courses cover areas such as Information Technology, Civil Construction, Renewable Energy and Clothing, among others. Each class follows specific schedules, and the formats include in-person, blended and online classes (EAD).
What Senai courses are available?
Senai RJ offers 80 free courses in various professional areas. Check out the main categories:
- To combat the huge shortage of professionals in the IT market, Alura is offering more than 100 vacancies in free online courses in the area of Technology
- Get a FREE Master's degree at Fiocruz! Oswaldo Cruz Foundation is calling for a master's degree in the health field
- How about qualifying without spending R$1? The Qualifica Program is offering almost 5.000 free course spots in various areas!
- Want to learn a new language without spending R$1 from your own pocket? The Education Department has just offered 9,3 places on free language courses in English, Spanish, French and German, complete with a certificate!
- Food and drinks
- Audiovisual and Digital Animation
- automotive
- Automation and Mechatronics
- Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Renewable energy
- Graphics and Digital Media
- Logistics
- metal mechanics
- Refrigeration and Air conditioning
- Information Technology
- and much more
Classes are distributed across 416 groups throughout the state, adapting to market needs.
Who can participate?
To apply, candidates must meet the prerequisites specific to each course, such as age and level of education, in addition to proving a gross monthly per capita family income of up to 1,5 federal minimum wages through a self-declaration. Another important requirement is access to a computer or notebook, which is necessary to follow the activities of free online courses (EAD).
How do I sign up for Senai-RJ’s free courses?
Those interested in free online courses (EAD) must register in person at the nearest Senai unit, presenting the necessary documents: identity card, CPF, proof of education and self-declaration of low income. Minors must be accompanied by a legal guardian. It is worth remembering that registrations are automatically closed once the vacancy limit is reached.
Ensure your registration in person at the nearest Senai unit. Places are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information about the courses and requirements, visit the Senai unit in your neighborhood and prepare yourself for the job market with free, quality training!