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Edict of the CREA RJ 2023 contest is out! With starting salaries between R$ 3 thousand and R$ 10,3 thousand, 38 vacancies are offered plus reserve registration

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 03/03/2023 às 14:12
CREA, RJ, notice, vacancies, competition
Photo: Reproduction CreaRJ youtube

Administrative agent, civil engineer and psychologist are some of the vacancies in the contest

This Wednesday, March 1, the public notice for the new Crea RJ 2023 tender was released. The Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of Rio de Janeiro is selecting professionals to fill 38 vacancies in total, not counting the reserve register (CR). Among the vacancies, mid-level and higher-level opportunities are available, with starting salaries between R$3.030 and R$10.302.

Mid-level opportunities are for administrative agent (21 vacancies + CR) and inspection agent (06 + CR). For higher education, the following positions are available: agronomist (01 vacancy + CR), civil engineer (04 vacancies + CR), geologist (01 + CR), administrator (01 + CR), archivist (01 + CR), accountant (01 + CR), psychologist (01 + CR) and Information Technology analyst (01 vacancy + CR).

Tests and requirements of the contest for Crea RJ

According to the Crea RJ public notice, higher education candidates must have an active registration in their respective class council. Meanwhile, competitors for the post of inspection agent need to present the National Driver's License Category (CNH), type "B" up to date, as well as availability to travel.

When it comes to working hours, those approved in the competition will have 40 hours a week and will be hired to work at the headquarters, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, or in the inspectorates, located in other municipalities in the same state.

Candidates for the Crea RJ contest will be evaluated through objective and discursive tests, which will take place on July 2, in the municipalities of Rio de Janeiro, Niterói, Petrópolis, Volta Redonda, Macaé and Campos dos Goytacazes. In the discursive tests, the mid-level competitors will have to write an essay, while the superior-level ones will answer three case study questions. There will be a total of 50 questions.

Registration for the Crea RJ 2023 contest

Entries for the Crea RJ contest will be open from next Friday (3rd) until April 10th at 23:59 pm. Those interested must register through the Selecon Institute website, clicking here!

To participate in the selection, a fee of R$80 (medium level) or R$100 (superior level) is charged, which must be paid by the 11th of the next month. Those enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico), in the banking website, between the 3th and 6th of March.

Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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