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University offers 600 places on free distance learning postgraduate courses: study at home and without paying any monthly fees! 

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 24/09/2024 às 07:51
Federal University offers 600 places on free distance learning postgraduate courses: study at home and without paying any monthly fees!
Photo: Canva + freepik

University of Pernambuco with hundreds of opportunities: UPE opens 600 vacancies in free EAD postgraduate courses. Don't waste time and find out how to participate!

The University of Pernambuco (UPE) is accepting applications for four free distance learning postgraduate courses through the Open University of Brazil (UAB) program. There are 600 places available for the following courses: Sustainable Development for Basic Education, Inclusive Special Education, Teaching of the Portuguese Language and its Literatures, and Health Management.

Who can participate in free courses at the University of Pernambuco?

Those who are interested in competing for the vacancies in courses free postgraduate courses (EAD) at UPE must meet certain requirements.

Among the requirements are: have a completed higher education course recognized by the MEC, reside in the municipality of the center or at most 100 km away, be available for face-to-face meetings scheduled for course activities, have an electronic device with internet access and, if not, be available to follow the course at the face-to-face support center.

Free courses from The main objective of the University of Pernambuco is to provide continuing education to education professionals, through knowledge relevant to the field of school management., aimed at professionals who have graduated in undergraduate degrees or related courses recognized by the MEC, as well as professionals from other areas interested in entering the teaching career.

Free courses require students to dedicate themselves to their studies and learning in other ways, eliminating the traditional need to attend classes every day.

The teacher's situation takes place digitally, via a system that offers in-person tutoring at the centers and remote monitoring by the subject teacher and virtual tutors, through virtual learning environments.

For this modality, it is necessary for the student to exercise autonomy in their studies, be motivated and be able to organize daily tasks, so that learning time is better used.

How to enroll in free UPE courses

In the coverage area of Petroline, there are 25 EAD postgraduate vacancies at the Cabrobó center for specialization in Inclusive Education.

The poles already Afranio e Ouricuri are offering 30 vacancies each for the specialization in Teaching Languages ​​and Literatures. For Health Management, 30 vacancies are available for the Ouricuri center. Applications can be submitted until September 24th through the electronic application form. To fill out the form, the interested candidate must have a g-mail account.

The selection process for free EAD postgraduate courses at the University of Pernambuco will be carried out in a single stage, through a curricular analysis for classification purposes, in accordance with the vacancy criteria.

The final result is expected to be released on October 10th on the website of the Distance Education Directorate (DED) of the University of Pernambuco. Enrollments must be made at the in-person support centers, according to the center chosen by the candidate to study the specialization.

What are the advantages of taking free distance learning postgraduate courses?

Considering that the job market is constantly changing, it is necessary to have professionals who are up to date and up to date, as new developments never stop appearing. Therefore, it is essential to leave your comfort zone and adapt to changes and new technologies, and this process must be ongoing.

Taking a degree is great, but it shouldn't be the last step for those who want to follow the path to success. A distance learning postgraduate degree works basically the same way as a face-to-face one, but with the flexibility and practicality that distance learning offers. It's worth mentioning that a distance learning degree from a university has the same weight as a face-to-face degree.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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