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Elementary level vacancy at Unimed! Earn R$2.304,06 and food vouchers of R$800 working as a Maintenance Officer

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 12/08/2024 às 19:53
If you meet the requirements required by Unimed, apply today for the Maintenance Officer job opening.
Photo: Canva

If you meet the requirements required by Unimed, don't miss this chance! Apply today for the Maintenance Officer job opening.

This Monday, (12/08), Unimed has a new opportunity for maintenance professionals! The job vacancy for Maintenance Officer at Unimed Hospital, located in São José, Santa Catarina, is open and promises to offer a unique work environment and attractive benefits. If you have experience and are looking for a new challenge, this could be the ideal chance to advance your career!

What are the requirements required by Unimed?

To qualify for the job opportunity from Unimed, you must have completed elementary school (1st to 4th grade).

However, candidates who have completed high school or a Technical Course in Electrical Maintenance or Electrotechnics will be considered an advantage.

Furthermore, it is important that the candidate has NR 10 training, as well as Customer Service skills and knowledge in hydraulic and building maintenance.

See the functions to be performed by the Maintenance Officer

Or role of Maintenance Officer at Unimed it involves several responsibilities that are crucial for the proper functioning of the facilities.

The professional will be responsible for electrical, hydraulic and building maintenance in both corrective and preventive ways.

The role also includes stock control of materials needed for these maintenance and assistance with transportation and events.

Furthermore, the Maintenance Officer must guide and monitor the execution of contracted services, ensuring that all processes are carried out efficiently and safely.

Salary and benefits offered by the company in this job opening

The work model for this position is face-to-face at the Unimed Hospital, in São José.

The salary for the position is R$2.304,06, with hazard pay, reflecting a competitive remuneration package for the role.

Working hours will be Monday to Friday, 08am to 18pm, providing a healthy balance between professional and personal life.

Working at Unimed offers a series of benefits that value the well-being and quality of life of its employees.

Benefits include meal or food vouchers worth R$800,00 per month, daycare assistance, transport vouchers, and access to a gym platform.

The company also offers psychological support through the Psicologia Viva program and a health plan for collaborators residents in greater Florianópolis, in addition to a dental plan and a career plan with growth opportunities.

If you are looking for an opportunity to apply your skills and be part of an institution recognized for its excellence, the job opening for Maintenance Officer at Unimed is an excellent option.

The vacancy was published on the Gupy Platform and also on the company's LinkedIn on July 10, 2024.

Are you interested? Click here and register for the Unimed selection process!

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Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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