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Discover the list of 27 authorized railroads that will generate jobs and accelerate the economy in Brazil through the Pro Trilhos program of the Federal Government

Written by Junior Aguiar
Published 21/02/2022 às 14:49
Updated 14/04/2024 às 09:58
pro rails program
Image: Federal Government via Google

The Pro Trilhos program increases the attractiveness of the private sector, allowing companies to build and operate railroads, branches, yards and railroad terminals.

The Federal Government celebrates the Pro Trilhos program as one of the most important achievements for the Brazilian economy. A Provisional Measure No. 1.065/21 authorizes the railway sector to free initiative in the market. Thus, the private sector is attracted to invest in railroads, whether they are greenfields (new projects – railroads built from “zero”) or brownfields (projects that will use an existing railroad, at least in part of the desired length), generating direct jobs.

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This Monday (21), the President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro used social networks to publish the list of 27 railroads and the respective companies that already have contracts authorized by the Ministry of Infrastructure through the Pro Trilhos program.

On Twitter, the Minister of Infrastructure, Tarcísio de Freitas, said that the moment is a “renaissance of the railways and a transformation of the sector”.

The railways cross the states of Pará, Bahia, Maranhão, Pernambuco, Piauí, Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Distrito Federal, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná and Santa Catarina.

Still according to the Federal Government, the projection of private resources to be allocated in the implementation of the railroads adds up to R$ 133,24 billion. Once completed, these developments should add around 10 kilometers of new tracks to the Brazilian rail network.

In addition to direct jobs, the expectation is that the new railway networks allowed by the Pro Trilhos program will benefit other sectors of the economy by boosting an entire logistics chain for the distribution of products, mainly in agribusiness, freeing up highways and making freight costs cheaper.

Check the detailed list with the respective companies authorized by the Federal Government through the Pro Trilhos program:

  1. Bracell: Lençóis Paulistas/SP, with 4,29 km
  2. Bracell: Lençóis Paulistas/SP to Pederneiras/SP, with 19,5 km
  3. Ferroeste: Cascavel/PR to Chapecó/SC: 286 km
  4. Ferroeste: Maracaju/MS to Dourados/MS: 76 km
  5. Ferroeste: Cascavel/PR to Foz do Iguaçu/PR: 166 km
  6. Grão Pará: Alcântara/MA to Açailândia/MA: 520 km
  7. Macro Desenvolvimento Ltda: Presidente Kennedy/ES to Sete Lagoas/MG: 610 km
  8. Petrocity: Barra de São Francisco/ES to Brasilie/DF: 1.108 km long
  9. Planalto Piaui Participations: Suape/PE to Curral Novo/PI: 717 km long
  10. Brazil Iron Mining: Abaira BA to Brumado/BA: 120 km11
  11. Eldorado Brasil Celulose SA: Três Lagoas/MS to Aparecida do Taboado/MS: 88,9 km
  12. Fazenda Campo Grande Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda: Santo André/SP: 7 km
  13. Ferroeste: Guarapuava/PR to Paranaguá/PR: 405,2 km14.
  14. Macro Desenvolvimento Ltda: Sete Lagoas/MG to Anápolis/GO: 716 km
  15. Minerva Participações e Investimentos SA: Açailândia/MA to Barcarena/PA, 571,3 km
  16. Petrocity Ferrovias Ltda: São Mateus/ES to Ipatinga/MG: 410 km
  17. Direction SA: Água Boa/MT to Lucas do Rio Verde/MT: 508 km
  18. Direction SA: Uberlandia/MG to Chaveslândia (Santa Vitória/MG): 276,5 km
  19. VLI Multimodal SA: Água Boa/MT to Lucas do Rio Verde/MT: 508 km
  20. VLI Multimodal SA: Uberlândia/MG and Chaveslândia (Santa Vitoria/MG): 276,5 km
  21. VLI Multimodal SA: Porto Franco/MA to Balsas/MA: 230 km
  22. Porto do Açu SA Operations: São João da Barra/RJ: 41,17 km-5 NEW AUTHORIZATIONS
  23. 3G Empreendimentos e Consultoria Ltda: Barcarena/PA to Santana do Araguaia/PA, with connection between Rondon do Para/PA and Açailândia/MA, with 1.370 km
  24. Morro do Pilar Minerais SA: Colatina/ES to Linhares/ES: 100 km
  25. Petrocity Ferrovias Ltda: Unai/MG to Campos Verdes/GO: 530 km
  26. Direction SA: Bom Jesus do Araguaia/MT to Água Boa/MT: 249,2 km
  27. VLI Multimodal SA: Perequê (Cubatão/SP) and Tiplan (Santos/SP): 8 km
Source: Ministry of Infrastructure

Future: new railroads in Brazil and prospects for jobs and other sectors of the economy

The Federal Government's projection in relation to private investments through Pro Trilhos amounts to values ​​that exceed R$ 240 billion in 20,7 thousand kilometers of new tracks for the national rail network.

The BRL 133,24 billion in investments celebrated by Bolsonaro represent 6.880,69 km of new tracks with different job possibilities. So far, the Ministry of Infrastructure has received 79 applications.

A first authorized private railroad is the Port of Açu, in Rio de Janeiro. The signing ceremony took place at the end of January during the laying of the foundation stone for the start of construction of the GNA 2 thermoelectric plant.

The Pro Trilhos program empowers the private sector more quickly and with less bureaucracy based on the modern permission model of the New Legal Framework for Railways.

The New Legal Framework for Railways is considered the The most important bill approved in the contemporary history of Brazil. After all, more than half of the Brazilian railroads are from the times when Brazil's economy was based on the laws of Dom Pedro II.

The expectation is that the Brazilian railway network jump from the current 20% to 40% in up to 15 years, boosting the economy, generating jobs, growing the GDP and also enabling the growth of the passenger transport sector.

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Junior Aguiar

Journalist, graduated from the Catholic University of Pernambuco | Web content producer, analyst, strategist and communication enthusiast.

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