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The challenges faced by a captain while piloting an overcrowded ferry in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Written by Bruno Teles
Published 17/06/2024 às 10:38
The challenges faced by a captain while piloting an overcrowded ferry in Dhaka, Bangladesh
In Dhaka, Bangladesh, navigating an overcrowded ferry is an essential part of urban life. Captain Salam, who spent his life commanding ships, now pilots one of the largest ferries on the Baganga River. For many residents, crossing the river is essential for work, education and other daily needs. Image: FLUCTUS/Diulgação

In Dhaka, Bangladesh, navigating an overcrowded ferry is an essential part of urban life. Captain Salam, who spent his life commanding ships, now pilots one of the largest ferries on the Baganga River. For many residents, crossing the river is essential for work, education and other daily needs.

The day starts early for Captain Salam and his crew. The overcrowded ferry, ua vital necessity for the inhabitants from Dhaka, is always full of passengers eager to cross the river. The boarding and disembarking process is chaotic, requiring the help of several sailors to organize the lines, load luggage and ensure passenger safety.

During the crossing, which can last from minutes to hours depending on the destination, Salam keeps a close eye on the ferry's navigation systems and engine. Keeping the engine running is crucial, especially on older boats that often need constant repairs. The crew knows every inch of the engine room well, ready to solve any problem that arises.

The overcrowded ferry offers only the basics for passengers

A small bar, eating areas and some covered seating. For longer trips, entertainment is scarce and the river scenery is the only distraction. Captain Salam must ensure that everyone reaches their destination safely, facing challenges such as navigation in adverse weather conditions and the dense movement of other boats on the river.

Despite efforts to improve ferry infrastructure and safety, accidents still happen. The Bangladesh government is working to modernize the fleet and improve terminals, but the reality of operating an overcrowded ferry still involves many risks. The pressure to meet tight schedules and the lack of adequate safety equipment are constant concerns.

At the end of a long day, Captain Salam and his crew finally have a moment to rest

They gather in the ferry's dining room to share a meal and discuss the day's events. Even after an exhausting day, Salam's dedication isyour team to safety and well-being of passengers remains unshakable.

Piloting an overcrowded ferry in Dhaka is a challenging but vital job. The dedication of Captain Salam and his crew ensures that, despite obstacles, thousands of people can cross the Baganga River every day, keeping the city moving.

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Bruno Teles

I talk about technology, innovation, oil and gas. I update daily about opportunities in the Brazilian market. With more than 2.300 articles published in CPG. Agenda suggestion? Send it to brunotelesredator@gmail.com

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