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Secretariat offers 855 free places on qualification courses, from Web Development to Introduction to the Games Industry!

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 17/01/2025 às 13:55
courses - secitece - secretariat - vacancies
Photo/reproduction: Disclosure

Sign up for courses offered by the Ceará Department of Science and Technology, with in-person and online training for professional development

A Secretariat of Science, Technology and Higher Education of Ceará (secitece) is with 855 vacancies open for courses Initial and Continuing Education (FIC).

Classes are scheduled to start next Monday, January 20th, according to the website anoticiadoceará.

In-person and online courses

Of the vacancies offered, 585 are for face-to-face courses, held at the headquarters of Technological Vocational Centers (CVTs), and 270 for online, made available through the platform Centec Academy.

Registration for in-person classes must be made directly at CVTs, while online classes can be accessed via the website ead.centec.org.br.

Diversity of courses offered

The range of courses includes: Programming Logic for Web Development, Introduction to the Gaming Industry, Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, Social Networking for Business, Tailor, Among others.

courses - secitece - secretariat - vacancies
Photo/reproduction: Disclosure

With workload varying from 40 to 160 hours, the courses combine theoretical and practical classes, ideal for those seeking new skills, professional updating or entry into the job market.

Requirements for participation

The vacancies are free and intended for people in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability, residing in Ceará, with a minimum age of 16 years.

Candidates must meet the minimum education criteria required for each course.

Local partnerships

The courses will be held not only in cities that have CVTs, but also in neighboring communities, municipalities and districts, thanks to partnerships with city halls and civil society organizations.

Os CVTs are administered by the Centec Institute, hired by the Government of Ceará to promote professional and technological education in the state.

For more information, locations and registration details, visit the website ead.centec.org.br. 👈👈👈

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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