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11,5 jobs to meet demand in civil construction works on highways, railways and gas pipelines

Written by Flavia Marinho
Published 26/02/2020 às 07:55
11,5 jobs to meet the demand for civil construction works on highways, railways and gas pipelines in MG and ES
11,5 jobs to meet demand 11,5 jobs to meet demand in civil construction works on highways, railways and gas pipelines in MG and ES

Investment of BRL 56 billion in civil construction projects on highways, railways and gas pipelines will generate 11,5 jobs in Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais

Civil construction projects and works on highways, railways and gas pipelines will generate 11,5 jobs in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo. The investment of approximately R$ 56 billion is part of the strategic plan aimed at the economic development of both states.  Many job openings to attend projects in civil construction and other sectors today by the multinational Babcock

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Vacancies will be created in the medium term, as the projects get off the ground. This is because many of them lack federal government approval, such as the railway regulatory framework.

The information was released on February 17, in Belo Horizonte (MG). The document, prepared by the Industry Federations of Espírito Santo (Findes) and Minas Gerais (Fiemg), focuses on actions in the areas of civil construction in infrastructure, business, regional development and legal security.

“It is the first step of a work that began a long time ago. We have an agenda to follow and, for the first time, the two states are working together”, highlighted Governor Renato Casagrande.

Privatization and duplication of BRs – R$ 9,1 billion in investments (priority agenda, concession auction will be held by the end of this year.) 

Proposal: the federal government must assume the commitment to build bridges and viaducts to rectify stretches and raise the guideline speed to 80 km/h in Espírito Santo, ensuring that the concession process is completed. In addition to finalizing the necessary interventions already contracted for doubling and expanding capacity in Minas Gerais and the seven kilometers interrupted in Espírito Santo.

The concession auction is expected to take place later this year. The concession term is 30 years. The stretches auctioned will be the BR-262/MG-ES between João Monlevade (MG) and Viana (ES) and also the BR-381/MG: between Belo Horizonte and Governador Valadares.

All this investment in works in Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais will create more than 2 direct hires this year. There will be vacancies in basic works, such as filling holes and signaling, and in the construction of toll plazas. Hiring must take place soon after the concession is signed.

The operation of toll plazas will also offer vacancies. There will be four squares in the State and seven in Minas. Opportunities will also be created in customer service, ambulance services, among others.

The duplication of BR-262 will provide opportunities for different professionals. There will still be indirect job vacancies in other segments, such as food, lodging, uniforms and others.

There will be vacancies for the following civil construction professionals to carry out the works: civil engineer, planning engineer, work safety engineer, measurement technician, planning technician, environmental technician, quality technician, general foreman, truck driver truck, lubricator mechanic, equipment maintenance mechanic, mechanic's assistant, mason, servant, construction assistant, asphalt truck operator, electrician, earthmoving and paving supervisor, heavy machinery operator, asphalt rake, user support, between others.

Railroads BRL 8,8 billion in investments

Proposal: the states want to guarantee the grant renewal credits invested in Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais, proportionally to the rail network of each one.

The governments of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais also ask for the execution of the stretch from Viana to Anchieta by Vale and negotiations for the expansion of cargo transport for third parties not linked to mining of, at least, 10% of the total, from the fifth year of the renewal of the contract. contract.

Another point is the inclusion of the railroad in the Investment Partnerships Program (PPI), for its concession, and execution of the stretch from Anchieta to Rio de Janeiro (EF 118).

EF118, the railroad will be the result of the counterpart for the anticipation of the renewal – for another 30 years – of the concession of the Estrada de Ferro Vitória a Minas (EFVM), operated by Vale, which would end in 2027.

The railway would be a continuation of Vitória a Minas, departing from Cariacica and arriving at Ubu, in Anchieta, close to Samarco. In the first phase of the works, at least 1.000 jobs should be created in the State.

To meet the demand for carrying out the works, there will be vacancies for a railway engineer, line foreman, foreman, permanent way worker, level 1 welder, level 2 welder, servant, heavy machine operator, driver, surveyor, caretaker and helper.

Codesa R$ 1 billion in investments (The offering on the Exchange is scheduled for the first quarter of 2021)

The Ministry of Infrastructure has not yet defined the privatization regime of Companhia Docas do Espírito Santo (Codesa), whether the port will be sold or granted for exploration. The advisory of the agency informed that the definition will come out in March.

It is estimated that the ports of Vitória and Barra do Riacho, in Aracruz, under the management of Codesa, have the potential to expand their annual movement from the current 7 million to 12 million tons per year.

Gas pipeline R$ 8,9 billion in investments – expansion of the oil and gas sector Route 6.

Proposal: the Energy Research Company (EPE) is studying the implementation of a new gas transport pipeline along Route 6, with a capacity of 15 million m per day.

The two states want to launch a new gas flow pipeline along Route 6, in addition to offering incentives to gas producers to set up a new Natural Gas Processing Unit (UPGN) in Espírito Santo, to process gas from the Pão de Açúcar field, in Rio de Janeiro.

There is also a forecast for the construction of a new pipeline to transport natural gas from Espírito Santo to Minas Gerais (from the south of the state to Belo Horizonte, with a length of 480 kilometers). The gas pipeline depends on the approval of Bill 6407, establishing the so-called Free Gas Market.

There is still no definition of vacancies to meet all demand for the works, but opportunities will be opened on three fronts: in the manufacture of pipes for the gas pipeline, in the installation works and in the operation unit, where the following professionals will be needed: machine operator , welder, surveyor, electrician, installer mechanic, among others.

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Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a postgraduate engineer with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses. Contact flaviacamil@gmail.com for suggestions, job openings or advertising on our website. Do not send your resume, we are not hiring!

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