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See incredible images of monstrous waves captured by ships in the middle of the ocean, showing the relentless force of nature

Written by Bruno Teles
Published 28/06/2024 às 08:24
See incredible images of monstrous waves captured by ships in the middle of the ocean, showing the relentless force of nature
These videos give us a true appreciation of the power of nature and the extreme conditions sailors face. The monstrous waves captured on camera show how unforgiving the sea can be and how important it is to be prepared to face its challenges. Image: Nautical Defense/Disclosure

These videos give us a true appreciation of the power of nature and the extreme conditions sailors face. The monstrous waves captured on camera show how unforgiving the sea can be and how important it is to be prepared to face its challenges.

The oceans of our planet are responsible for some of the climate most severe on Earth. We often don't realize this due to the vastness of the seas. But every now and then, a ship encounters a storm and monster waves and captures it all on video.

Cruise ships, cargo ships and oil rigs witness monstrous waves that we rarely see on dry land. Here are five monster waves caught on camera.

Monstrous waves in the North Sea

The North Sea is known for its volatile weather conditions. In the video filmed by Big Wave Master 1, we see an emergency response and rescue ship facing a hurricane. Monstrous waves hit the ship's hull, showing the strength of the sea. Despite the crew's training and experience, conditions are challenging and uncomfortable.

Storm on the Borgholm Dolphin oil platform

On January 10, 2015, the oil platform Borgholm Dolphin faced a huge storm. The platform, which floats in the sea, was hit by gigantic waves. Even with turbines and ballast tanks to maintain balance, the waves rocked the platform from side to side, showing the power of the ocean.

Patrol in search of ships in distress

Once again in the North Sea, a video shows a response and rescue vessel patrolling during a storm. The ship faced huge waves as it searched for ships in distress. Despite the adverse conditions, the crew maintained their composure and continued the mission.

Tsunami captured by Japanese Coast Guard vessel

In March 2011, a Japanese Coast Guard ship captured images of a tsunami. The wave, caused by a large earthquake, looked like a mountain of water approaching the ship. Although the ship managed to overcome the wave, the tsunami caused billions of dollars in damage and the loss of thousands of lives on the mainland.

Giant waves in the Atlantic

In April 2021, sailors on board of a chemical tanker faced huge waves in the Atlantic. The video, filmed by André M., shows water and mist thrown onto the ship's deck as monstrous waves hit it. The wind howled and the ship creaked, demonstrating how challenging sailing in turbulent seas can be.

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Bruno Teles

I talk about technology, innovation, oil and gas. I update daily about opportunities in the Brazilian market. With more than 2.300 articles published in CPG. Agenda suggestion? Send it to brunotelesredator@gmail.com

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